Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Was John The Baptist A False Prophet?

It's a simple question that the vast majority of Christians would answer with a resounding NO!

John the Baptist is not only a prophet, but according to Christ he is the greatest of all the prophets!

Ok, if he was the greatest of all the prophets, that would mean that the messages he proclaimed regarding Christ Jesus would have to be one hundred percent true and accurate. Right? Yes!

What was the big prophecy of John? What message was so great? Here it is: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."

There you have it. Simple. Powerful. Profound!

Do you really believe it?

If Christ has taken away the sin of the world, then what sin is left to be judged?

If Christ has taken away the sin of the world, then why would you at the same time believe that God will torture people in hell eternally for their sin which you also believe Christ has taken away?

Oh the joys of wading through the muck created by orthodox, religious, tradition, and the teachings of man.

If you have a few minutes, you might enjoy listening to this recent audio from a teacher (James Flanders) who will really make you think.


Could it be that the love, mercy, and grace of God is greater than you ever imagined?

Could it be that the blood of Christ shed upon the hill called Calvary is more powerful and effective than your pastor has ever taught? Could it be that your pastor has never considered the questions above?

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